Islam Rana

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Offer 5184: Cold Rolled Steel Coils Ex Mill China

Origin:                            China Material:                         2nd Choice Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               626.89MT  Sizes:                             0.11mm to 1.2mm Width:                            900mm to 1250mm Price :                            On Bid . Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5183: Mix GI /AS/EG/CR/HR Ex Europe

Origin:                            Europe Material:                         GI / AS / EG / CR / HR Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               170MT  Sizes:                             0.41mm to 5.09mm Width:                            Mainly 100 – 600 mm Price :                            Euro 525/MT CFR Main Egypt / Turkey port. Photos attached from previous similar lot. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5182: Hot Rolled Sheets Ex Europe

HOT ROLLED PICKLED SHEETS , Semi-Assorted ( as per below list )  Each package has one thickness with different sizes Size : Abt. 800 up x 1000 mm up ( some smaller size also included ) European Origin / Eur1 available  Qty : Abt. 137 Tons Price : Euro 545/MT…
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Offer 5181: Mix Top/End UA Sheets Ex.Japan

Origin:                            Japan Material:                         HR, HRP, CR, GI, (top/end) Sheets, Un-Assorted, as per attached pics Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               122.508 MT   Sizes:                             0.40 mm to 12.00mm Width:                            450 mm wider Length:                          1000 mm larger    Price :                            USD 475 /- PMT CFR Hai Phong Port. Kindly submit your firm bid…
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Offer 5180: EGI GI CR PPGI Stock Ex Europe

Origin:                             Europe Material:                         2nd Choice    Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               183 Tons ( under 3 lots from different loading ports) Sizes:                             0.50 mm to 2.75mm Width:                            677 mm to 2003 mm  Price :                            USD 645 /- PMT CFR Gebze / Port Said West port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination…
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Offer 5179: PPGI UNASSORTED SHEETS Ex Tata Steel

Origin:                            Europe Material:                         2nd Choice    Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               140 MT Sizes:                             0.40 mm to 1.50mm Width:                            900 mm to 1500 mm  Price :                            USD 550 /- PMT CFR Karachi. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5178: CR HR GI Slit Coils Stock Ex Belgium

Origin:                            Europe Belgium  Material:                         2nd Choice     Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               95 MT Sizes:                             0.60 mm to 2.50mm Width:                            100 mm to 1018 mm  Price :                            Euro 490 /- PMT FOB Antwerpen. Euro1:                            Availability to be checked                                                                   Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5177: Cold Rolled Steel Coils Stock Ex Europe

Origin:                            Belgium  Material:                         Soft and FH    Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               225.592 MT Sizes:                             0.60 mm to 2.82mm Width:                            956 mm to 1552 mm  Price :                            USD 495/- PMT FOB Antwerp. Euro1:                            Available                                                                  Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5176: EGI, GL, HDGI Steel Coils Stock Ex Europe

Origin:                            Belgium  Material:                          2nd Choice Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               758 MT Sizes:                             0.70 mm to 2.97mm Width:                            640 mm to 1651 mm  Price :                            On Bid. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5175: PPGI Steel Coils Stock Ex Europe

Origin:                             Europe   Material:                          2nd Choice Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               453 MT Sizes:                             0.40 mm to 1.5mm Width:                            1000 mm to 1500 mm  Price :                            On Bid. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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