Company Introduction

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Bluestar Enterprises


We “Bluestar Enterprises” based in Lahore (Pakistan), with a representative and procurement office in NY (USA) deals in Importing, Selling of Metals, covering a wide range of Metals. With reference the background of vast and rich experience in international and local trade since last 49 years and based on our successful background and the old established relationships with our customers and suppliers, we are in the position to supply the best quality products, at very competitive prices.

Our mission is to focus on our customer needs in order to establish long lasting relationships that can outlive market swings. If you are looking for any reliable and reputation source for metal items, this is the place where you can find all your needs9


“Bluestar Enterprises” was established in 1974 by the late Mr. Shamashad Hussain Siddiqi. Following his demise in 1995, Mr. Farhan Siddiqi assumed the role of Managing Director, while Mr. Tahir S. Siddiqi became the Representative Director in the United States.

International Trading

In 1997, “Bluestar Enterprises” ventured into the realm of international trading, establishing a robust client base worldwide. We have successfully served as a prominent international selling/indenting point, facilitating numerous transactions in countries such as China, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, and Europe.

Procurement & Sister Concern Office in United States

On October 23rd, 2004, “Bluestar Enterprises” inaugurated its state-of-the-art Procurement and Sister Concern Office in the United States, operating under the name M/S BLUESTAR METAL INC. This strategic establishment aims to strengthen our procurement capabilities by establishing a dedicated register office in the USA.

ISO 9001-2008 Certificate

In Dec 16th, 2010 we honored ISO 9001-2008 certification, this is to certify that the Quality System of our company meets that requirement of ISO 9001-2008 certificate.

Our Moto

Trust is a valuable asset that takes years to cultivate, yet it can be easily eroded within a matter of moments. With an impressive 41-year tenure, “Bluestar Enterprises” has consistently upheld a stellar reputation and nurtured enduring goodwill, exemplifying our unwavering dedication to the principles of integrity and reliability.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)