Month: January 2015

Chinese GI and PPGI Market Weekly Report

The prices of galvanized steel coils (GI) and prepainted galvanized steel coils (PPGI) continued to go down a bit last week (Jan.19-Jan.25, 2015).The market needs are not good now. More and more producers began to close their production lines to cut down their loss. The supply of the steel is…
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ArcelorMittal struggles through oversupplied market

The years of excess steel making capacity, especially in China, have put an unrelieved pressure on the global steel sector. In 2014, when steel demand growth ceased in China, the largest steel consumer, the problem of excess capacity turned into the real overproduction crisis. An excess is typical for both…
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China removes boron-added steel export rebate

China removed export tax rebates on boron-added steel from January 1, the country’s finance ministry vowed Wednesday. The affected boron-added products and their tax codes are hot rolled plate and sheet 600 mm and above wide (72254091), hot rolled narrow strip (72269191), wire rod (72279010) and bars (72283010). Exporters of…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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