Islam Rana

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Offer 5142: PPGI Prime High Quality Coils Stock Ex Europe

Origin:                             Europe Material:                          PPGI Full Color High Quality Coils Quality:                            Prime Grade Selection:                         Not Allowed                               QTY:                                109 Tons,  Sizes:                              0.55 MM ~ 1.5 MM Width:                             612 MM ~ 1420 MM Price :                             USD 730/-PMT CFR to Kamlapur port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5141: PPGI Mixed Color Coils Stock Ex Europe

Origin:                             Europe Material:                          PPGI Coils Quality:                            2nd Grade Selection:                         Not Allowed                               QTY:                                109 Tons,  Sizes:                              0.6 MM ~ 1.0 MM Width:                             1120 MM ~ 1505 MM Price :                             USD 650/-PMT CFR to Kamlapur port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5140: PPGI Steel Coils Stock Ex Mill China

Origin:                             China Material:                          PPGI Coils Quality:                            A Grade Selection:                         Not Allowed                               QTY:                                110 Tons,  Sizes:                              0.28 MM ~ 0.51 MM Width:                             1000 MM ~ 1219 MM Price :                             USD 685/-PMT CFR to Karachi port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5139: HDGI Steel Coils Ex Europe

Origin:                             Europe/Germany Material:                          GI Coils Quality:                            2nd Choice as per attached pics Selection:                         Not Allowed                                QTY:                                194 Tons,  Sizes:                              0.67 MM ~ 1.03 MM Width:                             914 MM ~ 2004 MM Price :                             Euro 540/-PMT FOB Antwerpen. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5138: GI Steel Coils Ex Europe

Origin:                             Europe/Germany Material:                          GI Coils Quality:                            2nd 3rd Choice as per attached pics Selection:                         Not Allowed                                QTY:                                59Tons,  Sizes:                              0.35 MM ~ 1.26 MM Width:                             1011 MM ~ 1585 MM Price :                             Euro 440/-PMT FOB Antwerpen. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5137: GI Steel Coils Ex Germany

Origin:                             Europe/Germany Material:                          GI Coils Quality:                            2nd Choice as per attached pics Selection:                         Allowed                                QTY:                                198Tons,  Sizes:                              0.55 MM ~ 1.03 MM Width:                             904 MM ~ 2004 MM Price :                             Euro 540/-PMT FOB Antwerpen. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5136: Cold Roll Sheets Ex Japan

Origin:                              Japan Material:                          Cold Roll UA Sheets Quality:                            UA Soft Sheets as per attached pics Selection:                         Not Allowed                                QTY:                                100Tons,  Sizes:                              0.40 MM ~ 1.80 MM Width:                             900 MM ~ 1240 MM Price :                             USD 580/-PMT CNF Haiphong port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5135: GI Soft Sheets Ex UK

Origin:                              UK Material:                           GI sheets Quality:                            Unassorted, Soft Commercial as per attached pics Selection:                         Not Allowed                               QTY:                                200Tons,  Sizes:                              0.60 MM ~ 3.0 MM Width:                             900 MM ~ 1500 MM Price :                             USD 570/-PMT CNF port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5134: HR CR GI Mix Sheets Stock Ex Spain

Origin:                               Spain Material:                           HR CR GI Mix sheets Quality:                            Unassorted, Soft Commercial as per attached pics Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                                325Tons,  Sizes:                              0.40 MM ~ 4.0 MM Width:                             600 MM ~ 2000 MM Price :                             USD 530 /-PMT CNF port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5133: PPGI Coils Stock Ex Europe

Material:                          PPGI Origin:                             Arcelor Selection:                         Not Allowed                               QTY:                                108Tons,  Sizes:                              0.30 MM ~ 1.2 MM Width:                             826 MM ~ 1500 MM Details List:                      Attached  Price :                             Euro 525 /-PMT CNF port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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