Islam Rana

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Offer 5174: HR CR GI unassorted Sheets Ex Italy

Hr sheets unassorted bundles Soft grade Thickness 2,00 – 7,00 mm Width 600 x 1200 mm and more Italy origin Quantity 135 tons (5 containers) Mixed sheets unassorted bundles GI 80% 20% CR Soft grade _Thickness 0,40 – 1,50 mm _Width 600 x 1200 mm and more Italy origin Quantity…
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Offer 5173: CR and HR Coils stock Ex Europe

Origin:                             Italy    Material:                          All Soft Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               88.720 MT Sizes:                             0.17 mm to 3.9mm Width:                            420 mm to 1437 mm  Price :                            Price : USD 535/- PMT CNF Egypt. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Origin:                             Japan  Material:                          Over Rolled Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               12633 MT Sizes:                             1.30 mm to 14.60mm Width:                            605 mm to 2053 mm  Price :                            Price : USD 660/- PMT CNF  Karachi port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5171: 74.138T || Surplus Galvanized sheets

We are pleased to offer 75 MT of cut-to-length surplus sheets. Soft quality.  Please see attached packing list and pictures.  Packing in 20′ containers. – 21 MT  Origin – Toronto  Price – USD 600/MT CFR Asian ports, subject to availability.  We have a regular supply of surplus coils from Canada/USA. 
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Origin:                             Europe    Material:                          Over Rolled/Prime Excess Quality  Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               143 MT Sizes:                             2.01 mm to 5.30mm Width:                            883 mm to 1309 mm  Price :                            Price : USD 565/- PMT CNF  Vietnam. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5169: Galvanized, Alusi, CRFH, ETP Coils Ex Europe  

Origin:                             Europe    Material:                          2nd Choice   Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               140.313 MT Sizes:                             0.60 mm to 3.00mm Width:                            1042 mm to 1808 mm   Price :                            Price : USD 650/- PMT CNF  Turkey Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5168: HR, HRP Top/End Sheets Ex Japan  

Origin:                             Japan    Material:                          2nd Choice Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               118.486 MT Sizes:                             1.4 mm to 12.00mm Width:                            500 mm to 1829 mm Length:                          1000 MM larger   Price :                            Price : USD 670/- pmt cnf ICD Kamalapur                                         Price : USD 550/- pmt cnf Hai Phong. Kindly submit your firm bid with…
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Offer 5167: ETP Steel Sheets and Coils Ex Mill

Origin:                             Shougang Mill China     Material:                          2nd Choice Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               371 MT Sizes:                             0.14 mm to 0.34mm Width:                            754mm to 1014 mm Price :                            USD 860 /-PMT CFR Karachi Port Pakistan. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5166: CR and HR Steel Sheets Ex Belgium   

Origin:                             Belgium   Material:                          HR Sheets S235, CR Sheets DC01 Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               200 MT Sizes:                             2.5 mm Width:                            1500 mm Length:                          3000 DOCUMENTS:                EUR1 CERTIFICATE Price :                            USD 709/-PMT CFR Karachi Port Pakistan. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Offer 5165: GI Steel Coils Ex Mill China  

Origin:                             China Material:                          2nd Choice. Selection:                       Allowed                               QTY:                               211 MT Sizes:                             0.27 mm to  2.75 mm Width:                            1000 mm to 1250 mm Price :                            USD /-PMT CFR (Bid Basis). Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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