Islam Rana

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Offer 5194: Galvanized Steel Coils Stock Ex Europe  

Origin:                            Europe Material:                         Secondary  Selection:                        Not Allowed QTY:                               125 MT   Sizes:                             0.43mm to 2.75mm Width:                            677mm to 1530mm Price :                            On Bid Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5193: GI Steel Coils Stock Ex Italy

Origin:                            Europe Material:                         Secondary  Selection:                        Allowed QTY:                               2392 MT    Sizes:                             0.25mm to 4.00mm Width:                            818mm to 1520mm Price :                            Euro 555/- PMT CFR Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5191: GI Steel Coils Stock Ex Arcelor

Origin:                            Europe Material:                         2nd Choice  Selection:                        Allowed with lot.                               QTY:                               131.846MT  Sizes:                             0.43mm to 2.75mm Width:                            945mm to 1533mm Pictures:                         Photos from previous similar lots Price :                            USD on bid PMT CFR Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5190: HR Sheets Ex Europe

Origin:                            Europe Material:                         2nd Choice  Selection:                        Not Allowed                                QTY:                               104MT  Sizes:                             2.0mm to 5.00mm Width:                            800mm wider Length:                          3000mm wider Price :                            USD 600/- PMT CFR Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5189: Hot Rolled Sheets, Pickled Sheets Ex Europe

Origin:                            Europe Material:                         2nd Choice   Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               636MT  Sizes:                             1.5mm to 16.00mm Width:                            1000mm wider Length:                          2000mm wider Price :                            On bid. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5188: TMBP Steel Coils Ex Europe

Origin:                            Europe Material:                         Soft Temper Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               200 MT  Sizes:                             0.15mm to 0.30mm Width:                            841mm to 1234mm Price :                            USD 550/- PMT CFR. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5187: PPGI-MIXED-HDG COILS Ex Europe

HDG Coils are 3rd Choice. Total tonnage : 564,03 Tons MIXED Coils are second and Third choice coils Mixed = Different colors on the same coil or the coil can be partly PPGI and partly HDG Total tonnage : 470,22 Tons PPGI Coils are mainly second choice coils Total tonnage…
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Offer 5186: HR CR GI EGI PPGI Alu Coils and Strips Ex France

Origin:                            France Material:                         1st and 2nd Choice Selection:                        Not Allowed                               QTY:                               157 MT  Sizes:                             0.6mm to 2.5mm Width:                            71mm to 1250mm Certificate:                      Euro1 available Price :                            Euro 510/- PMT FOB Antwerpen (Belgium). Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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Offer 5185: PPGI Design pattern Coils Stock Ex Mill China

Origin:                            China Material:                         2nd Choice Selection:                        Allowed                               QTY:                               216MT  Sizes:                             0.11mm to 1.45mm Width:                            860mm to 1250mm Price :                            Price : USD 680/- PMT CNF Karachi port. Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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